How Do I Know If I Have A Bed Bug Bite?

That is a great question! In fact, as questions go, that is one of the best. Why? It's because the answer is usually met with a blank stare and a shrug. The fact is that bed bug bites are hard to diagnose by sight, even for dermatologists.

The reason is that bed bug bites are indistinguishable from other insect bites. So if you think you are being attacked by bed bugs, here are some clues to help you know...

Do you have an infestation? Look for the clues; bed bugs will hide in folds and linings of the bed linens. Check the tufts and seams of mattresses too. Look for fecal matter (brown or red spots) on the linens.
Do you wake up with new bites? If you do, there is a good chance they are from bed bugs.
What does the bite look like? The symptom of the bed bug bite is very similar to other reactions. Bed bug bites can be little red bumps; some have a red dot or scab in the middle. The bite area may be inflamed or irritated, and a small white welt may appear at each bite. Some are large, others small, sometimes there in a line or circle. A bed bug bite picture may help; they can be found on the web.

Try not to be alarmed if you find out you have a bed bug bite. Bed bugs are not known to carry diseases, even though allergic reactions are possible.

If you have bed bugs, with help, you can eliminate them for good, but the best thing to do is be vigilant in prevention.